September 17, 2022

Southern Maryland Sites and CRM Q&A

For the first time in over two years CCASM was able to hold its meeting in the Community Room of the La Plata Police Station.  

Pat Walters
On Thursday September 15 Patrick Walters talked about three projects in Southern Maryland completed by the CRM firm Applied Archaeology and History Associates, Inc. (AAHA).   One project was a follow-up project at Calverton (the site of ASM Field Sessions in 2017 and 2108) that indicated much of the site that was there in the 1600's would be eroded away by around 2030.   Another project was at Simpkin-Coatback site where CCASM members had previously volunteered.  He indicated what had and had not been found.  The third was a project related to a SMECO substation.

The talk was interesting, but the best part of the meeting was the question and answer period at the end.  We learned more about Cultural Resource Management (CRM), and also had lively discussions about the three projects and other things.   A lot on information sharing.

Patrick Walters is the Director of Cultural Resources for Applied Archaeology and History Associates, Inc.

Nice to be together again

Attendance: 10 members