November 24, 2024

Ice Age Maryland - MD Fluted Points


Zachary Singer
At the November 21 CCASM meeting Dr. Zachary Singer discussed recent projects conducted by the Maryland Historical Trust that were also associated with the Maryland Fluted Point Survey.  One intriguing project was the use of a "paleo-digger" at the Barton Site in Allegany County.  At Barton the digger went down at least two meters before encountering the gravel non-cultural layer for the site, and Paleoindian lithics were recovered near the bottom of several holes.   Zac also talked about fluted points found at recent field work in Baltimore County as well as from previous research at the MAC Lab.  As always he showed numerous examples of fluted points and other debitage associated with that time period.  This included showing examples of weathering amber chalcedony found in Maryland and that is associated with Clovis sites.

Fluted Points, Using the Paleo-Digger, and Using a Vibracore

Zachary Singer  is the State Terrestrial Archaeologist at the Maryland Historical Trust

Dr. Singer gave us an update on the Archaeology Society of Maryland (ASM) 2025 Field Session that will be at Teague's Point in Charles County.  It is a seventeenth century site.  The date has not been finalized yet.  (Note: CCASM is also a chapter of ASM and will help however they can with the Session.)

Teague's Point site with artifacts farmer recovered at site
before it was transferred to state.

Thanks to Jim for using his account to set up the Zoom meeting.  And thanks for Peggy for bringing the hot spot. 

Talking before the Meeting
while Jim sets up Zoom meeting

Attendance: 10  (including 2 via Zoom)


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