June 14, 2024

2024 Annual Field Session

The Archaeological Society of Maryland, Inc (ASM) with the assistance of the Maryland Historical Trust (MHT), the National Park Service, and the C&O Canal National Historical Park held their 53rd Field Session May 31 - June 10, 2024 at the 18th century Cresap’s Fort site.   Dr. Matt McKnight, MHT Chief Archaeologist, was the Principle Investigator. 

Matt McKnight
(wearing signature bandana)

The site is Oldtown I (18AG9).  We were following up on a geophysical remote sensing survey conducted by MHT in 2020 and brief ground-truthing excavations of the area done in 2023.  The excavations revealed the presence of intact domestic features dating to approximately 1750-1790.  These dates correspond to the dates of the 18th-century fort and dwelling of Colonel Thomas Cresap.

The Site with tents over lab, units, and screening areas

At the Field Session we recovered 18th century artifacts.  Four areas that were identified by the remote sensing were investigated.  Areas believed to be associated with a dwelling and with the storehouse generated a number of eighteenth century historic artifacts with the storehouse generating some of the more interesting - pocket knife, lead shot, musket ball, gun flint, ...  The area believed to be the location of the palisade did not show any post holes.  The fourth area that was slightly higher up the hill turned out not to be part of the Cresap story.  A terminal Archaic roasting platform was found -- lots of rocks and fire-cracked rocks for remote sensing to sense.

Gun Flint
Pocket Knife

Roasting Platform

Check out more artifacts on MHT Facebook post MHT Field Session overview

We will have to wait for the report when all the data is pulled together to see the bigger picture.   There was plenty of opportunities to dig, trowel, map, document, work in the lab, and screen whether it was your first time or hundredth time.  There  were lots of opportunities to screen.  But the Field Session also gave us a chance to reconnect with old friends, and to meet new people.  

Stephen Potter


The Field Session is also a time to learn, and when better to get everyone together than lunchtime.  On Monday Stephen Potter talked about Firearms and Other Tools of the 18th Century Potomac Frontier and showed authentic examples.   On Thursday Katie Boyle and Chris Stevens gave An Overview of National Park Service Archeology.

Tuesday night  was the annual Spencer O Geasey Memorial Lecture.  Dr. Matt McKnight talked about Thomas Cresap's 18th Century Home at Oldtown as Revealed through Archaeology and helped tie the history and remote sensing results into what we were seeing in the field.

A Field Session wouldn't be complete without the annual Saturday night "feast".  This year the Town of Cumberland provided all the food including really great barbecue and the drinks.  The picnic was held at the BSA Camp Potomac where many of the campers were also staying.  A special thanks to those providing/preparing the food.

While thanking people, another special thanks to the ASM members that helped make this Field Session happen - from planning to registration to getting t-shirts to taking care of the lab to .... all the behind-the-scene things that need to happen.   You do so much.  Thanks.

The two CCASM Carols


Two CCASM members (Carol A, and Carol C) attended the field session for multiple days that overlapped.

CCASM is a chapter of ASM.


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