May 20, 2024

Swann Oyster House, CCASM Annual Meeting, and New Officers

Looks like we wanted
to start with desserts

CCASM held its annual meeting with a Potluck meal on Saturday May 18 at Burch House in Historic Port Tobacco Village.   Normally when we are Burch House we are volunteering.  But today we could just be together, talk, and eat.  As at most potlucks, there was more than enough good food. 
You may note that the food was on the kitchen counter.  This is the first time in years(?) the counter was not covered with artifact bags needing to be processed.  Also Monday's lab did a great job cleaning the whole house.

Most of those at the Meeting

After we finished eating, the annual CCASM business meeting was held.  Business meetings include reports - President's Report (Carol), Vice-President's Report (Pat), Secretary's Report (Linda, acting), and Treasurer's Report (Elsie).  Elections for CCASM Officers and Members at Large are every two years, and this was an election year.  Denise, who was on the Elections Committee, gave the results at the meeting.
The officers for the next two years starting on June 1 2024 are

  • President - Carol Cowherd
  • Vice-President - Patricia Vazquez
  • Secretary - Linda Talley
  • Treasurer - Elsie Picyk
  • Members at Large - Peggy Knoernschild, Michael Creveling

Esther Read announced that CCASM had been selected to receive the Charles County Historic Preservation Commission's annual award for outstanding achievements in historic preservation by a service organization.  The presentation will be June 23 at Pleasant Hill.
Twelve members were present.  There were also two guests.  

Esther Read
The meeting was followed by Esther Doyle Read reviewing the history of the Swann Oyster House and sharing with us what was being found at the site and what that could tell us.  Since we have been volunteering on the site for over a year now, it was interesting to hear and see what has been discovered so far.

Esther is the Charles County Archaeologist for Charles County Planning and Growth Management.


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