April 21, 2014

Discovering Archaeology Day 2014

On Saturday April 19 CCASM participated in Discovering Archaeology Day at Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum in St Leonard, Maryland.   It was a nice day,  and there were lots of activities for those attending.  It's always fun telling people about Charles County archaeology and what we are doing.

This year there was a scavenger hunt.  Children and anyone else wanting to participate were given a list of questions that could be answered by visiting specific booths.  CCASM has an activity that includes fire-cracked rocks, and we explain how rocks used in cooking at some point may crack and even explode.  So our question was "How are rocks used to cook food?".   Those that answered all the questions got a prize.  There were also bonus questions that could be answered by getting on the tram and visiting the Indian Village or the MAC Lab or the public archaeology site.  The children seemed to really enjoy looking for the answers.

 Barbara, Peggy, Rich, and Carol represented CCASM at the event.  Barbara brought a new display using pictures from our Native American site to show the steps we took from creating a grid for STPs through measuring and counting the artifacts.  And Rich brought his "What does it tell us" bag of trash.


Also we took time to meet archaeologists from around the region and to participate in several of the activities.  Here is Peggy throwing an atlatl.


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