April 12, 2014

Point Lookout State Park and Oyster Shell Tempered Pottery

Lynne Bulhack
At the April 10 CCASM meeting Lynne Bulhack did more than tell us about what she had found at Point Lookout.  She also described the various types of twining and nets used on the surface of the shell tempered pottery she had found.   And being a ceramics instructor she showed us similar examples she had made.  Lynne had consulted with various experts, conducted experiments on the pottery, and had submitted carbon deposits on one of the sherds to be radiocarbon dated by Beta Analytic.  The shell tempered pottery she found is referred to as Mockley.  Wayne Clark, one of the attendees, indicated the radiocarbon dates returned for her sherd was the earliest Mockley date from a Maryland site, and that archaeologists still used the paper she had coauthored with Johnna Robinson.

By the way, the advertised title for this talk was "Overwhelmed By the Sea".  This didn't refer to her being overwhelmed by the sea but to the Middle Woodland sites at Point Lookout being overwhelmed by the sea.

Lynne is a ceramics instructor, a visual artist, and an amateur archaeologist.

Lynne's Display and Experimental Pottery

Not everyone who attended, but these are all smiling

Attendance: 13


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