March 11, 2025

March CCASM Meeting

March 20, 2025 (7 PM) 

Susquehanna River Rock Art

Photo from
Join us to hear Paul Nevin talk about the rock art of the lower Susquehanna River.  For over forty years he has been visiting, experiencing, and researching these petroglyphs.  Paul will be sharing some of the information he has gathered about the carvings on Big Indian Rock, Little Indian Rock and the other rocky outcrops with depictions of these ancient Native American communications.
Paul Nevin
Safe Harbor Petroglyphs Tours

We will be meeting in person, but Paul will be presenting via Zoom.  A Zoom link will be sent to CCASM members who can not attend in person.  Non-members will need to email by March 18 to request the link.

Location: La Plata Police Department Community Room, 101 La Grange Ave, La Plata, MD (map)
Parking is on the north side of the building (but not behind where the police cars are), on the street, and in the lot across the street.

Inclement weather policy: If the evening activities of the Charles County Public Schools are canceled due to inclement weather, CCASM meetings and/or activities will also be canceled or else be conducted via Zoom if a link has already been set up.
Call the 24-hour information line [301-934-7410 or 301-932-6656] to hear if there are any closure announcements. If there aren't any closure announcements, then CCASM activities will proceed as planned.  


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