October 14, 2024

2024 ASM Fall Meeting

On Saturday October 12 the Eastern Shore ASM Chapter hosted the 2024 Archeology Society of Maryland, Inc Fall Meeting at Chesapeake College in Queenstown, Maryland.

The Fall Meeting started with the Annual ASM Business Meeting that included the results of the ASM Elections-- Valerie Hall, President; Katharine Fernstrom, Vice-President; Ethan Bean, Membership Secretary; Pat Melville, Secretary; Krista Morris, Treasurer; At-Large Trustees: Julia Berg, Lynne Bulhack, Brent Chippendale, Jim Gibb, Don Housley, and John Newton.

The following recognitions were made at this meeting.

  • Dr. Julia King was awarded the 2024 William B Mayre Award for her outstanding contributions to Maryland archaeology.  Dr King was not able to attend.  So be sure to congratulate her when you see her.

  • Kim Malinowski became the 20th ASM Certified Archaeological Technician (CAT) graduate.
    Congratulations, Kim. 

One of the highlight of the ASM meetings are the talks. 

  • Hunting for the 'Maryland Monster’: Update on the 2024 Annual Field Session Investigations of the Home of Col. Thomas Cresap   
       Zachary Singer and Katie Gill

  • Reimagining Hemsley's Cloverfields    
       Willie Graham

  • The Archaeology of the Birthplace of Harriet Tubman,    
       Aaron Levinthal

  •  Frederick M Stiner Memorial Address
    The Pocomoke Indian Nation
        Norris "Buddy" Howard

Two  CCASM members attended the meeting.

Charles County's PowerPoint slides for Meeting-


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