September 21, 2024

Colonial Chesapeake Taverns

Rod Cofield

After a meeting hiatus for the summer CCASM met on September 19 to hear Rod Cofield talk about colonial taverns in the Chesapeake.  Rod shared historic documents that gave us a glimpse into taverns and tavern life in the Cheasapeke during the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries.  We learned the cost of various beverages and also that sharing a bed or stabling a horse actually cost about the same as a quart of cider, the cheapest drink, at one tavern.  It's always interesting to see actual ledgers associated with actual people.


Rod Cofield is the Executive Director of Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum. 

This was our second hybrid Zoom/in-person meeting where the speaker also attended via Zoom.  There were a few hiccups at first, but then everything started working.  Thanks to Jim for using his account to set up the Zoom meeting.

Before the Meeting - Setting up and Catching up

Attendance: 15 (including 3 via Zoom)



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