September 7, 2024

2024 MHT/ASM Workshop in Archaeology

The Maryland Historical Trust and The Archeological Society of Maryland, Inc
  33rd Annual Workshop in Archeology
Saturday September 28 (9:00am-3:30pm)
Maryland Historical Trust, 100 Community Place, Crownsville, MD  map

Click for program and more details about talks

The agenda for the workshop is
  • 9:00    Registration and Refreshments
  • 9:00- 3:00  Book Sales and Exhibits (Basement Cafeteria)

  • 9:30    Welcoming Remarks

  • 9:45    Keynote Speaker
    Uncovering Hidden Worlds: The Science and Craft of Doing Archaeology,
    Stephen Brighton
  • 10:45  Coffee Break
      Concurrent Sessions 
  • 11:00   Conventional Documentation of Archaeological Resources: Recording Structures
    Troy Nowak
  • 11:00   The Basics of Survey and Mapmaking for the Avocational Archaeologist
    Matthew McKnight.
  • 11:00   Reading Historical Documents: Hints for Transcription
    Pat Melville.
  • 11:00   Perishables Revealed: Recording Textile Impressions on Potsherds
    Lynne Bulhack.
  • 12:15   Lunch  
                       (Cafeteria is closed.  Bringing your lunch recommended.)
       Concurrent Sessions 
  • 1:30     An Introduction to the Maryland Historical Trust (MHT) Library
     Lara Westwood
  • 1:30     It's Not Just a Magic Box: Understanding GPR
    David Givens

  • 1:30     Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) of Artifacts
    Scott Strickland
  • 1:30     CAT SESSION — Ethics & the Law in Archaeology - Part I
    Zachary Singer and Stephanie Soder


  • 2:30     CAT SESSION — Ethics & the Law in Archaeology - Part II
    Zachary Singer and Stephanie Soder
$7 for general admission, $5 for ASM members and students

CCASM is a chapter of ASM.



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