April 14, 2024

2024 Discovering Arcaheology Day

Saturday April 13 CCASM was at Discovering Archaeology Day at Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum in St. Leonard, Maryland.  Archaeologists from across Maryland had tables at the event.  CCASM was one of two ASM chapters at the event.

There were tours to Sukey's Cabin, hay rides, a bingo game to earn an archaeology hat, and lots of hands-on activities.  A number of the activities were in the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory that is scheduled to be closed soon for three years.  So it's could have been one of the last times to tour the Lab for a while. 

CCASM had its HITS display and the Archaeologist Dig for Clues" activity where people could discover what can be learned from trash, especially if you also know the location where it was recovered.

CCASM table, activity , and members
(Notice all the different types of weights.)
At first it was fairly easy.

Then the number of groups increased
And then there were even more.

If you look at the photos, you may notice that the CCASM table and many of the other tables do not have tents.  The wind was so gusty in the morning that most decided to take them down.  At least one tent was broken.  And we ended up laying the display flat on the table and putting weights in/on the activity boxes.  This made for a somewhat different look, but it didn't stop lots of people from stopping by.

Thanks to Claudia Mary, Peggy, Carol C, Carol A, and Dave, who represented CCASM at the event.  
With so many we all got a chance to visit the other tables at the event and to tour the MAC Lab.  It's always a great event to learn more about archaeology, to get ideas, and to interact with others.  Also thanks to Peggy for the bowl of mints.



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