December 17, 2022

The Wheelwright's Experience

Jim Gibb

At the December 15 CCASM meeting Dr. Jim Gibb's talk related to a site that CCASM is currently working on--a site that has lots of artifacts that could be associated with a wheelwright shop or a carriage shop.  Jim showed slides of various tools and objects that would be found in a wheelwright shop and in its forge.  The second part of the talk was about a late nineteenth century wagon workshop in western New York.  Jim talked about how the excavations indicated various outside areas where horses were shod and where there were forges.  

There were additional discussions relating to what we had found and what needed to be done including how the iron artifacts could be conserved.  A really productive exchange of information.

Carriage Workshop

Dr. James Gibb directs the Environmental Archaeology Lab at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.  He is a founding member of  the Charles County Archaeological Society.

Members and visitors talking with Jim before meeting

Attendance: 8



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