November 19, 2022

Shenandoah Valley Pottery in 19th-Century Maryland

Jim Gibb
At CCASM's November 17 meeting Dr. Jim Gibb talked about the history of potting in Western Maryland during the 19th century showing examples of Weiss earthenware pottery sherds and photos of complete vessels published in Eugene Comstock's book on Shenandoah Valley pottery.  Jim also described recovering ceramic artifacts from the Reiff site in Cearfoss, Washington County that included sherds from these local made ceramics as well as more refined ceramics imported from the United Kingdom.  And he brought up various questions that these distributions could raise.  As always an interesting talk. 

Dr. James Gibb is the principal of Gibb Archaeological Consulting.   Jim also directs the Environmental Archaeology Lab at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.  He is a founding member of  the Charles County Archaeological Society.

Members and Visitors before the Meeting

Attendance: 9



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