March 11, 2022

Recent Work at Mount Calvert Historical and Archaeological Park

Stephanie Sperling

Sean Jones
At the March 10 CCASM Zoom meeting we had two speakers that talked about archaeology done at the Mount Calvert Historical and Archaeological Park that is located on the Patuxent River in Prince George's County.

First Stephanie Sperling gave an overview of the area including past archaeological investigations.  Much of the earlier excavations involved historical sites, especially sites related to taverns.  But more recently the excavations have involved the site of a slave cabin with a reach out to the African American community to be included in these investigations and conversations.  The archaeology also indicates that American Indians occupied the site from the Archaic Period to the Late Woodland Period. 

Next Sean Jones described in detail several excavation units placed next the foundation of the 1780s plantation house that is on the site.  These units gave an insight into the state of the foundation and the soil next to it.  In at least one unit there was no longer mortar between the bricks.  Stabilization of the house is being planned.

Mount Calvert

Stephanie Sperling is a Senior Archaeologist at Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC), and Sean Jones is a Collections Specialist also at MNCPPC.

We would like to thank James Gibb for hosting the Zoom meeting. 

 A snapshot of some of those at the meetings -

 Attendance: 14 people


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