January 15, 2022

Mary Kittamaquund Brent

Kelly Watson
At CCASM's January 13 Zoom meeting Dr. Kelly L. Watson talked about Mary Kittamaquund Brent’s place in the history of the seventeenth-century Chesapeake.   As a young girl this daughter of a Piscataway Tayac was sent to live with the Brent family, and also as a young girl she would marry Giles Brent, a forty-year-old member of a wealthy English Catholic family.  Yet Mary is almost invisible in any current history sources, and Kelly used a historical timeline to show how much that does exist is inaccurate.  There is still a question about what role, if any, Mary was expected to play in the power struggles between Chesapeake tribes and Anglo-Marylanders.

Dr. Kelly Watson is an Assistant Director and Service Assistant Professor of the Women's and Gender Studies Program at West Virginia University

We would like to thank James Gibb for hosting the Zoom meeting. 

 A snapshot of some of those at the meetings - 

Attendance: 14 people


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