April 13, 2021

In the Field at Maxwell Hall Park

Monday April 12 Esther, Elsie, Denise, Mary, Julie, and Carol returned to Maxwell Hall Park.  This time it was to start looking for clues indicating previous occupations - Native American or historic.  There had been a seventeenth century plantation house somewhere in this area.  Although there are equestrian and hiking trails in the park, we were looking at areas off the beaten path.  This resulted in a five mile hike through the woods on which fire-cracked rocks, debitage, and bricks were encountered. 

Looking at the lidar map for the area
Walking beside an old sunken road

Monday March 15 was another beautiful day for being in the field --this time to document the ruins of an old house (early 20th C?) at Maxwell Hall Park as well as the features near the ruins.   Esther Read, County Archaeologist, along with CCASM volunteers Denise, Mary, Elsie, and Carol recorded data on graph paper for several features.  In the afternoon Denise and Mary learned how to do a triangulation survey between the main features so that Esther could create a composite map of the site.
Checking out the foundation
Measuring the hole
next to the well
Measuring the foundation

Thanks to Carol and Esther for the pictures.


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