The Fall Meeting started with the Annual ASM Business Meeting. Instead of having chapter reports during the business meeting, chapters were requested to bring a display highlighting their activities. Six Chapters--Charles, Central, Northern Chesapeake, Mid-Potomac, Western, and Monacacy-- brought displays. They were all different, and all were interesting
At any ASM Meeting it's always fun to catch up with others from around the state and hear what they are doing. But the highlight of the meetings are the talks.
2019 Frederick L. Stiner Memorial Lecture
What's New in Charles County: Overview of the County Archaeology Program
Esther Doyle Read, County Archaeologist, Charles County Planning
Run of the Mill: History and Archaeology of Maryland Mills Dr. James G Gibb, Gibb Archaeological Consulting
Archaeology and Community Collaboration:
Researching Black History in Prince George’s County
Dr. Kristin Montaperto, Chief Archaeologist, Maryland National Capital Park and Planning
From Port Tobacco River (MD) to Portobago Bay (VA):
Exploring Native Movement and Mobility through an Archaeological Lens
Dr. Julia A King, Professor of Anthropology, St. Mary's College of Maryland
Serendipity and a Lost Opportunity: An Adena Artifact Found in Charles County
Carol Cowherd, Charles County Archaeological Society of Maryland, Inc
Don presenting award to Claude |
Also congratulations to Claude Bowen, the 2019 William B Mayre Award recipient.
The Museum was open, and attendees were able to tour the various rooms. Connie Uy, the Museum Ambassador for the Day, gave us a brief introduction to the Museum and was there to answer questions.
Here are 10 of the 16 CCASM members at the meeting.
Pat, Carol, Mary, Gary, Linda, Elsie, Jim G, Julie, Mike, Annetta
(Missing- Janna, Doug T, Doug Z, Sarah, Jim R, Don)
(Missing- Janna, Doug T, Doug Z, Sarah, Jim R, Don)
Attendance: 52 including 3 guests
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