March 15, 2019

Historic Ceramics Workshop, Part I

Patricia Samford
At the March 14 CCASM meeting Dr. Patricia Samford conducted a workshop on colonial ceramics, ceramics from 1600 to the Revolutionary War.  This was the first part of a Historic Ceramics Workshop Tricia has previously given, but there was not time at a meeting to cover all historic ceramics.
Tricia tried something different for this workshop.  Rather than passing around examples where the last person probably didn't remember what it was, Tricia brought ten bags containing examples of all the different types of ceramics.  So when she described a type of ceramics, we would try to find it in our bag and could look at it while she talked.  Of course, if we couldn't find an example, she or someone nearby would help.

Reviewing Flowchart

Looking at ceramics

Dr. Patricia Samford is the Director of Maryland Archaeological Conservation Lab at Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum.

Attendance: 18


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