March 27, 2017

Waldorf West Library - "Archaeologists Dig for Clues"

March 25 CCASM took our interactive children's program called "Archaeologists Dig for Clues" to the Waldorf West Library.  Eleven children ranging in ages from 6 to 11 participated.  The library book associated with the program was Kate Duke's book "Archaeologists Dig for Clues".   First, the librarian used sections of the book to interact with the children.  Then the children looked at the clues from several different boxes of "artifacts" and tried to determine what type of building would be associated with them.  But archaeologists do more than just recover objects, they also need to describe them.  So each child also choose artifacts to draw, measure, and describe. 

Sami led the activity with Doug, Ann, Barbara, Debbie, Peggy, the librarian Catherine along with Sami working with the children.   Always interesting.  Always fun.

Thanks to Ann for providing the pictures.


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