April 27, 2016

Ask and Archaeologist #7

CCASM members were asked to provided answers to the next question.  Here is one of the responses.

?      What is the oldest item you have found?  How old was it?

The oldest artifact recovered from CCASM's recent investigation of a Native American site was a Kirk projectile point.  The point has serrated edges and dates to 8900-8000 BC.  I didn't personally find it, but I was part of the group of people responsible for finding it.

I have handled thousands of artifacts, but one of my favorite is a glass bottle seal that would have been applied to a seventeenth century wine bottle to indicate the owner.  It had a "sign of four" merchant's mark along with the letters A, B, and D.   I still have not discovered the owner, but looking for him is one of the reasons I like this artifact.  The bottle seal was found at the Charles' Gift Site in a borrow pit that was dug during the last quarter of the seventeenth century.

Answer provided by Carol

Look for future postings with answers to additional questions.  And don't forget to check out the answers given in previous postings.


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