October 9, 2015

Tracing the Footsteps of Those Who Left Calvert County During the War of 1812

Kirsti Uunila
October 8 Kirsti Uunila showed documentary evidence for individual slaves from Calvert County who took refuge with British Naval forces during the War of 1812.  A source she recommended was the Maryland State Archives' web site on "Legacy of Slavery in Maryland".  Since most of the early Calvert County land records were destroyed, it is more difficult to tie the individual slaves to the specific land on which they resided.  But Kirsti did talk about a couple of archaeological sites and how they could relate to the departing slaves. 

After the talk, the topic of slave houses was brought up.  Kirsti recommended the book Hearth and Home by George McDaniel.  The book is based on surveys McDaniel did on extant slave houses and post-Civil War tenant houses in Southern Maryland.

Kirsti Uunila is the Historic Preservation Planner for Calvert County.

Attendance: 9


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