June 22, 2011

Volunteering for Dr. Julia King

This summer Dr. Julia King was once again looking for the Piscataway Indian Fort in the Zekiah Swamp in Charles County.  And CCASM volunteered to help.

But first Dr. King and her crew worked at the Notley Hall site at the mouth of the Wicomico.  Notley Hall was the home of Thomas Notley, the seventh Maryland governor.

Polly, Rich, Carol, Carole (June 3)

Elsie (June 22)
Members of CCASM volunteered over 130 hours.  They helped wash, bag, and count the artifacts from the 250+ shovel test pits dug at the Notley Hall site.  CSM had provided a lab in which to process the artifacts.

Those participating included Carol Cowherd, Joshua Eller, Rob Gibbs, Rich Gorski, Elsie Picyk, Carole Raucheisen, Carol Starnes, and Polly Zimmerman.

Pictured below is Dr. Julia King and two of her crew, Scott and Skylar in the lab.  Skylar supervised our labs.

Julie King, Scott, and Skylar


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